by Nathan Taylor
Okay, I'll make it short and not so sweet. I'm annoyed, I'm angry and I can't believe the best contestant of this year's woeful Australian Idol series was voted out.
Sabrina Batshon, 24, was eliminated tonight leaving a bunch of nobodies. Surprisingly all the girls this year are great and the guys are terrible.
Which leads me to think, that little school girls from probably primary to grade 10 are texting their little hearts out to keep all the boys in the contest... and I'll repeat again the boys who are TERRIBLE!
Do they think if they text their favourite male idol's name to 19 10 10 they may have a chance of meeting them... may have a chance of dating them... may have a chance of marrying them. GET REAL!
As you can see I'm mad as hell and I think I should join the rest of the country and switch this crap off!
Whoa that felt good!